It’s that dreaded time of year again, when Mother Nature begins to get feisty. Sometimes it’s a late season hurricane – like Matthew – or an early blizzard – like Utah’s last September – that puts a damper on your life. These things happen. When they do it means that WINTER IS COMING, and you need to be prepared.
Let’s talk first about your office building. Is your building ready for the winter weather? Have you:
1. Inspected the roof and completed routine maintenance?
2. Made sure the gutters are clear and the water will flow away from the building and public walkways?
2. Made sure the gutters are clear and the water will flow away from the building and public walkways?
3. Cleaned the storm drains and openings on grates?
4. Inspected windows for potential leaks?
4. Inspected windows for potential leaks?
Business Continuity: If your office has to be closed for several days during or after a storm, having a plan that allows crucial business activities to continue can prevent serious loss of income and/or customers. You should:
1. Identify critical operations such as payroll, financial reporting, and shipping.
2. Identify employees responsible for critical functions.
2. Identify employees responsible for critical functions.
3. Develop a plan for having these employees work off-site, if needed.
4. Test your plan in advance.
Maintain productivity by identifying employees who can work from home while tending to sick children or their own contagious ailments. Discuss options with them in advance, and develop a plan that includes the following:
1. An understanding as to what functions can be done at home.
2. An understanding of when an employee may work from home.
3. Providing the necessary equipment.
For more information on how to better prep your business for the winter, please either call or email us at Barker Phillips Jackson: 417-887-3550 or